At Prevas we register our work hours in a system called PX.
You can access PX through:
The deadlines for reporting hours in PX is:
You will get your project number, activity, login and password from the project manager.
In the box to the right, you'll find a quick guide for the use of PX.
In the notes field in your PX time report, please add some short sentences about the work, you have done.
At the end of each month, please send an invoice to with CC to the project manager. We will automatically send an email right after month-end showing the expected invoice. This is automatically generated based on the number of hours you have submitted during the last pay period. In this way, we can quickly find and correct any discrepansies.
The invoice should include specification of:
Are there expenses, a separate invoice needs to be made for these.
If you have problems, don’t hesitate to contact your project manager.
We have introduced an internal tool in Prevas called Telelinda.
The tool checks our PX database and sends email reminders to people who usually enter time reports in PX but hasn’t done it for the current week.
The tools is very simple and based on statistics. This means that it assumes that if you have entered a time report lately then it should remind you. This also means that you won’t get reminders before you have entered your first hours in PX and you will keep getting reminders a short while after you have stopped an assignment.
We are introducing this tool to help our partners remember to fill out their PX time reports on time, as well as reduce the amount of manual and last-minute follow-up we need to.
If you get a reminder and you don’t have any hours to report, then you do not have to do anything – you can just ignore it. If you have hours to register, please do it as fast as possible.
Please add your expenses and travel to a separate invoice and send it to the project manager at the end of the month along with your invoice for hours worked. There are functions for this in PX, but they are not to be used.
With regards to vacation - You cannot report weeks of 0 hours in PX.
Instead, please go the menu under personal: Select ‘other period’ and type in the new week you want to report your time in (remember that in PX weeks are named like yyww, e.g. 1908 is week 8 in 2019).
If you've forgotten your password to PX please request a new one by sending an e-mail to the project manager.
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